Training/ Drills


"5-5 Drill" 

Setup: Set target at 5 Yards, Start with a handgun loaded with 2 magazines with 5 rounds in each magazine. 


  1. Begin with pistol in holster.

  2. On the buzzer, engage the right side box with 5 shots, Reload, then shoot the left side box with 5 shots.

Scoring: All shots should be within the target boxes. Finish under 8 seconds.

Drill 1: "CP Drill" “Crossfire precision drill”

Objective: Develop precision while transitioning between diagonally opposite targets.

Setup: Set target at 5 Yards, Start with a handgun loaded with 8 rounds.


  1. Begin with pistol in holster.

  2. On the buzzer, engage the top-left target with two shots, then transition to the bottom-right target and engage with two shots.

  3. Next, engage the top-right target with two shots, then transition to the bottom-left target and engage with two shots.

Scoring: All shots should be within the target boxes. Finish under 10 seconds

3 yards, 2 magazines with 15 rounds in each magazine. Draw with only your primary hand, put a round in each circle, reload, and switch pistol to support hand. Repeat. No time limit.

3 yards, 2 magazines with 15 rounds in each magazine. Draw (master grip) and shoot 1 round in each circle, reload, and repeat. No time limit.

5 yards, 1 magazine with 5 rounds. Draw (master grip) and shoot 5 rounds in A. Complete under 2 seconds.

5 yards, 2 magazines with 5 rounds in each magazine. Draw (master grip), shoot 5 rounds in A, reload, and shoot 5 more rounds in A. Complete under 7 seconds.

2-3 yards, 1 magazine with 5 rounds. Draw and shoot from high compressed into A. Complete under 5 seconds.

3 yards, 2 magazines with 6 rounds in each magazine. Draw and shoot with a master grip, 3 rounds in (A) and 3 rounds in (B). Reload, using only your primary hand, shoot 1 round in all three circles on the right side. Switch to your off hand and repeat. Finish under 15 seconds.

2 magazines with 4 rounds in each magazine. Draw and shoot one round in each circle, reload, and repeat. Complete under 8 seconds.

AB/AB Drill: 3 yards, (holstered), 2 magazines with 2 rounds in each magazine. Shoot 1 round in (A) and 1 round in (B). Reload and repeat. Complete under 6 seconds.

SFH Tap Rack Drill: 3 yards, (holstered), 2 magazines with 1 round in the first mag and 2 rounds in the second mag. Insert the first mag in the pistol (NOT CHAMBERED). Draw, tap rack, shoot one round in the first circle. Reload and shoot 2 and 3. Complete under 8 seconds.

4 yards, 2 magazines with 1 round in each mag. Draw, shoot 1 round in A, reload, and shoot 1 round in B. Finish under 6 seconds.

2 magazines with 10 rounds in each mag. Draw and shoot 1 round in (A1), shoot 2 rounds in (A2), shoot 3 rounds in (A3), shoot 4 rounds in (A4). Reload and repeat to section (B). Complete under 10 seconds.

Call-Out Drill: At 5 yards, load one magazine with 8 rounds. Have someone call out a random number, such as (32). Shoot one round in circle 3 and one in circle 2. Repeat until all circles have been shot.

1-4 1-4 Drill: At 5 yards, load two magazines with 4 rounds in each mag. Draw and shoot 1 round in circle 1, the second round in circle 2, the third round in circle 3, and the fourth round in circle 4. Reload and repeat. Complete under 10 seconds.